After the holiday, the price of soda ash is consolidating and declining

1、 Price trend


Gamma-PGA (gamma polyglutamic acid)

According to the commodity analysis system of Shengyi Society, the price of soda ash has decreased after the holiday. As of September 18th, the average market price of soda ash was 1706 yuan/ton, a decrease of 30 yuan/ton compared to the pre holiday price of 1736 yuan/ton on September 14th, a decrease of 1.73%, and a decrease of 6.26% compared to the previous month.


2、 Market analysis


According to the commodity analysis system of Shengyi Society, the soda ash market has been consolidating and declining after the holiday. On the supply side, the equipment of maintenance enterprises is gradually recovering, the utilization rate of soda ash production capacity has been improved, the market supply of goods has increased, and the inventory pressure of manufacturers is relatively high; On the demand side, there is an expectation of cold repair in the terminal market. The downstream glass industry mainly consumes inventory, resulting in insufficient demand for soda ash. The market supply is strong and demand is weak, leading to a weak downward trend in soda ash prices. On September 18th, the price of soda ash in East China was lowered, and the mainstream market price for light soda ash was around 1400-1650 yuan/ton; The price of soda ash in Central China has been lowered, and the mainstream market price for light soda ash is around 1350-1550 yuan/ton.


On the demand side: According to the commodity analysis system of Shengyi Society, the price of glass continues to decline. On September 18th, the market average price was 14.10 yuan/square meter, a decrease of 0.70% compared to the market average price of 14.20 yuan/square meter on September 14th. The glass market has sufficient inventory, low downstream purchasing enthusiasm, poor market trading, obvious bearish sentiment in the market, and glass prices continue to operate weakly.


Future forecast: Currently, the operating rate of domestic soda ash plants is relatively high, and the inventory of spot soda ash plants is sufficient. The downstream glass industry continues to be weak, with insufficient demand support. The soda ash market trading is average, and the atmosphere in the market is wait-and-see. It is expected that soda ash will remain weak and stable in the short term, depending on downstream market demand.