This week, the price of ethyl acetate was weak (9.9-9.14)

This week (9.9-9.14), the domestic price of ethyl acetate first fell and then rose. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, as of the 14th, the price of ethyl acetate was 6003.33 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.22% compared to the price of 6016.67 yuan/ton on September 9th. The main reason is insufficient cost support, limited downstream demand, and fluctuations in equipment of some supply side enterprises, resulting in the consolidation and operation of ethyl acetate prices.


Gamma-PGA (gamma polyglutamic acid)

Market analysis: This week’s ethyl acetate market is consolidating weakly. On the raw material side, the stabilization of acetic acid prices is the main factor, with insufficient cost support and slow downstream inventory consumption. The enthusiasm for entering the market is not high, and the price of ethyl ester was weakly lowered at the beginning of the week; Afterwards, the main factories in Shandong stopped production, reducing the supply of goods in the market. The supply side news was positive, and the price of ethyl acetate rose sharply. However, the market trading atmosphere was poor, and the increase in ethyl acetate was limited.


Looking at the future market, the upstream acetic acid market for ethyl acetate is stable, with limited cost support and insufficient upward momentum for ethyl acetate; On the supply side, the Yankuang plant will resume operation next week, with an increase in capacity utilization, which will have a negative impact on the ethyl ester market; Downstream demand is weak and market support is weak. It is expected that the price of ethyl acetate will be weakly adjusted in the later period. Please pay attention to the changes in the upstream market and the follow-up situation in the downstream.