Aluminum prices have fallen by 9.80% since June

Aluminum prices have fallen by 9.80% since June


Aluminum prices continued to decline from June to July. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, the average price of aluminum ingots in the East China market on July 29, 2024 was 19140 yuan/ton, a decrease of 9.80% from the market average price of 21256.67 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month (June 1).


Reasons for the decline


1. Overseas economic data has hit hard on expectations of interest rate cuts, and the market no longer fully expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in November. At the macro level, international commodity prices have been suppressed, and non-ferrous metal prices have retreated.


2. Weakening overseas data triggers recession expectations, while CPI data gradually raises market expectations of a weakening US economy. The Federal Reserve’s Beige Book shows that businesses expect future growth to slow down and the labor market to remain weak. The production of primary processed aluminum products in the United States has decreased, and the demand for aluminum ingots has maintained a low season performance.


On the domestic front, the economic data for the second quarter was released, with a GDP of 4.7%, which was lower than expected. Domestic downstream inventory replenishment and falsification, and inventory removal is not smooth. As of July 29th, the inventory of electrolytic aluminum in major domestic markets was 795000 tons, unchanged from the inventory of 795000 tons on June 3rd; Compared to July 1st, the inventory was 762000 tons, with a cumulative inventory of 33000 tons.