High cost price pressure, weak hexafluoropropylene market

After the holiday, the weak market for hexafluoropropylene was mainly consolidated. The follow-up of downstream inquiries and procurement is average, and the transaction atmosphere is average. According to the data monitoring system of Shengyishe, as of May 7th, the benchmark price of hexafluoropropylene in Shengyishe was 35875.00 yuan/ton, unchanged from the beginning of this month.


Raw material side: High cost prices are under pressure, and production enterprises have thin profits. On May 7th, the price trend of domestic hydrofluoric acid market increased, the on-site equipment operated stably, and the supply of goods was normal. According to the data monitoring system of Business Society, as of May 7th, the benchmark price of hydrofluoric acid (export) in Business Society was 14150.00 yuan/ton, an increase of 2.54% compared to the beginning of this month (13800.00 yuan/ton). The domestic fluorite market has risen. As of May 7th, the benchmark price of Shengyishe fluorite was 3687.50 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.34% compared to the beginning of this month (3675.00 yuan/ton).


The downstream market is relatively quiet, with poor demand, and the focus is on purchasing for essential needs.


Business Society’s hexafluoropropylene analyst predicts that due to the recent high cost support of hexafluoropropylene, downstream market demand is poor, and on-demand procurement is affected. It is expected that the hexafluoropropylene market will operate weakly and steadily in the near future. More attention should be paid to market news guidelines.
