TDI prices fell first and then rose in mid November

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of the Business Society, TDI prices in East China fell first and then rose in mid November. On November 20th, the average market price in East China was 17100.00 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.19% compared to the price of 17133.33 yuan/ton on November 11th, and a decrease of 1.16% compared to the beginning of the month.


The domestic TDI market has been in a weak state this cycle, with prices falling first and then rising during the week. Prior to the 15th, the enthusiasm of domestic downstream market entry was lackluster, the market trading atmosphere was weak, the supply side news was quiet, the trade market mentality was pessimistic, and the shipment of cargo holders was not smooth, and the TDI offer continued to move downward; In the later stage, the news of the shutdown and lockdown of Shanghai’s large factory equipment was released, and the spot filling was tightened. The trading market, guided by supplier information, reported prices to stop falling and rebound. However, due to the still weak downstream purchasing sentiment and insufficient confidence among traders, the TDI trading center only slightly increased.


The price of upstream toluene has decreased, and the market situation has been weak during the cycle. On November 20th, the domestic average price of toluene was around 6800.00 yuan/ton, a decrease of 1.32% compared to the price of 6890.00 yuan/ton on November 11th. The international crude oil price is weak and volatile, and the cost support for toluene has weakened. Downstream demand has entered the off-season, with weak market inquiries and insufficient demand support. In addition, due to the abundant supply of toluene, the toluene market has been weakened and consolidated.


After market analysis, TDI data analysts from the Business Agency believe that the supply of goods in the domestic TDI market is slow to fill, and traders have a strong intention to raise prices. However, downstream demand is flat, the market trading atmosphere is light, and TDI growth is limited. Under the supply and demand game, it is expected that the short-term TDI market will fluctuate and consolidate, and specific attention will be paid to downstream follow-up.