Weak demand, stable vitamin market, small movement (12.5-12.9)

Price trend


Chitosan oligosaccharide

According to the bulk list data of business associations, the vitamin market as a whole remained weak this week, the downstream demand was weak, and the focus of vitamin A negotiations was further lowered.


According to the price monitoring of the business community, the price of vitamin C was stable this week, and the average price of food grade vitamin C was stable at 27.33 yuan/kg, with no increase or decrease, down 42.67% year on year. The factory continues to stop reporting, the traders’ prices follow the market, and the downstream demand is the main demand. The factory gives up profits and takes the goods away.


The price of raw corn has weakened. It is expected that in the second half of the month, with the increase of demand for stocking and warehouse building before the Spring Festival at the demand terminal, the price will have another opportunity to rise.


The price of vitamin A decreased slightly this week. The average price of feed grade vitamin A at the beginning of the week was 106 yuan/kg, and the average price at the weekend was 104 yuan/kg, with a weekly drop of 1.88% and a year-on-year drop of 64.27%. The current mainstream market quotation is 95-102 yuan/kg, while the European market quotation drops to 26-30 euros/kg. Foreign enterprises have plans to stop production, and the domestic market is still in a situation of oversupply. It is difficult to improve the short-term market.


Gamma-PGA (gamma polyglutamic acid)

The price of vitamin E is stable this week. The current VE market price is 82-84 yuan/kg, and the European market price is 8.8-9.2 euros/kg. The demand remains weak, supported by the export market, and the price of vitamins is relatively strong.


Future market forecast


According to the vitamin analyst from the Chemical Branch of the Business Community, the market demand is relatively weak in the near future, and the end customers are basically purchasing a small amount as needed. There is no good news guidance for the time being. It is expected that the vitamin market will remain weak next week, and pay close attention to the factory production downtime and delivery.
