TDI prices rose slightly on September 26

On September 26, the average price of TDI market in East China was 19475.00 yuan/ton, up 0.26% from the previous working day, and the market was on the rise. The factory has limited supply, and the spot market continues to be tight. The sellers are reluctant to sell. The price is high, and the downstream is wait-and-see. Inquiry is just needed, and small orders follow up. The market transaction range is general. At present, the dealers in East China offer prices between 19000-19500 yuan/ton for domestic products, and 19500-19700 yuan/ton for Shanghai products.


At present, the market supplier plays a leading role. It is expected that the short-term TDI market will continue to operate at a high level, with specific attention to market supply and downstream follow-up.