Trade name:TDI
Latest price (October 9): 14150.00 yuan / ton
On October 9, the price trend of TDI market rose slightly, and the average market price in East China increased by 0.89% compared with the previous working day. The distribution market in East China is waiting and sorting, and the market price increases. The quotation of TDI domestic goods in the distribution market is about 13800-14000 yuan / ton, and that of Shanghai goods is about 14000-15400 yuan / ton. The actual transaction price is subject to negotiation. The TDI unit of a factory in the North was restarted, the Yinguang and Wanhua units returned to normal operation, and the supply and storage increment was expected. The downstream was affected by the dual control of energy consumption, the start-up was low, the demand was weak, the atmosphere in the field was stalemate, the market trading was light, and the purchase was just needed. It is expected that the future market will rise slightly, and pay attention to the downstream follow-up. |