MDI market continues to stagnate

According to the price monitoring of the business agency, the domestic aggregated MDI market continued to be in a stalemate. At the beginning of the week, the average price of domestic aggregated MDI market was 12175 yuan / ton, which was 1.02% lower than the same period last month and 2.01% lower than that of the same period last year.


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This week, the aggregate MDI market stalemate range consolidation, the negotiation price volatility is small. At the beginning of the month, the spot delivery of the factory was slow, the low price was rarely heard, and the operators were cautious in trading. The main factories successively announced the listing prices in July, which were all stable; the weekly guidance price of Koster was stable without assessment; the response of the industry to the news was relatively mild. On July 1, Wanhua Yantai plant began to be overhauled for about 45 days. The overall atmosphere of the distribution trade market is quiet, and the mainstream agents are limited by the cost of manufacturers, and their quotations are mostly stable and cautious in shipping; the middlemen mainly keep shipping.


Raw materials, pure benzene: Shandong pure benzene market continued to decline. After the festival, the local refineries kept prices stable, but the overall inventory was on the high side. With the increase of port inventory in East China, the pressure of pure benzene cash withdrawal price is high, which leads to the strong bearish mentality of downstream and no traders, and they are cautious to watch the market. Local refining delivery is not smooth, the price is down.


Aniline: aniline market fell during the week. From the aspect of raw materials, Sinopec’s listing of pure benzene was lowered to 3100 yuan / ton, and the average bidding price of Jinling pure benzene was 3050 yuan / ton. The raw material side fell sharply and the aniline cost support weakened.


On the downstream side, according to the price monitoring of the business agency, the domestic spandex market showed a slight decline trend in June. As of June 30, the average price of spandex 40d specification was 31500 yuan / ton, down 1.25% from the beginning of the month and 3.08% lower than that at the beginning of the month. At the same time, it is also at a low level in recent three years, down 19.44% from June 30, 2017.


There are many low-cost sources of goods, and the trade market is slightly pessimistic. Analysts predict that the domestic aggregate MDI market will be mainly in the short term.

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