Monthly Archives: April 2014

Role of Calcium Formate

[ Chinese name] Calcium
[English name] Galcium Formate

[ MF ] Ca (HCOO) 2 [ Molecular Weight ] 130.0 [ CAS No. 544-17-2 ]
【 EINECS No. 】 208-863-7 [ 1 ] [Properties] white crystal or powder
[ Properties] is slightly hygroscopic , slightly bitter taste . Neutral , non-toxic , water-soluble . Aqueous solution was neutral . A calcium solubility with temperature changes little , 16g/100g water at 0 ℃ , 100 ℃ when 18.4g/100g water. Specific Gravity : 2.023 (20 ℃), bulk density 900-1000g / L. 400℃。”>The thermal decomposition temperature > 400 ℃. Physical indicators
98% formic acid , calcium formate ( titration ) 67% volume weight ( g / l )

The main purpose

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Used in the construction . Quick coagulant for cement , lubricants, early strength agent . For building a variety of concrete, mortar ( tile adhesives, cement-based plaster , repair mortar , waterproof mortar ) floor and concrete industries.
Accelerate cement hardening rate , shorten the setting time, especially in the winter construction, to avoid condensation at low temperatures too slow . Fast release , to improve the strength of cement into use as early as possible . Calcium Uses : Various dry mortar , a variety of concrete, wear-resistant materials , flooring industry , feed industry , tanning . Calcium and attention to issues involved in dosage per ton of dry mortar , concrete amount of about 0.5 to 1.0 %, the maximum dosage of 2.5%. Calcium dosage is decreased as the temperature gradually increased , even if the application amount of 0.3-0.5 % in the summer , and will play a significant early strength .
Storage: store in a cool dry place , use within six months.

Sodium thiosulfate

1 Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical Properties: colorless transparent sodium thiosulfate

Monoclinic crystals , soluble in water , insoluble in alcohol . Pentahydrate temperature 48 degrees Celsius, the melt in the melting of crystal water .
Chemical properties: heat decomposition, decomposed into sodium and sulfur or sodium sulfate and sodium polysulfide , while being oxidized by oxygen . In case of acid decomposition of sodium thiosulfate emit sulfur dioxide gas and sulfur precipitation . Heating in air oxidation and decomposition into sodium , sulfur dioxide and water. Combustion generated sulfate, sodium sulfide and sulfur in the absence of air .
2 Determination
Method name: Sodium thiosulfate – Determination of sodium thiosulfate – Redox Titration
Application: This method uses sodium thiosulfate determination of redox titration. This method applies to the determination of sodium thiosulfate .
Method: Take the test amount , add water to dissolve , add starch indicator solution with iodine solution was titrated droplet to continuous blue. Each 1mL iodine titration solution (0.05mol / L) is equivalent to 15.81mg of Na2S2O3. Computing , that is.
1 water ( boiling placed to room temperature )
2 . Iodine titration solution (0.05mol / L)
3 sodium hydroxide solution (1mol / L)
4 methyl orange indicator solution
5 . Sulfuric acid titration solution (0.5mol / L)
6. Sodium bicarbonate
7 starch indicator solution
8 phenolphthalein indicator solution
9 methyl red – bromocresol green mixed indicator solution
10 benchmark arsenic trioxide
11 Basis of potassium hydrogen phthalate
12 benchmark anhydrous sodium carbonate
3 Uses Introduction
When tanning dichromate reducing agent , nitrogen exhaust neutralizer , mordant , straw and
Hair bleach and bleach pulp dechlorination time . Also for tetraethyl lead , dyes intermediates manufacturing and ore mention silver electroplating industry reductant , water purifying agent works .
In the textile industry for bleaching cotton after dechlorination agent , sulfur dyeing wool fabric dye , indigo dye anti- white agents , pulp dechlorination agent , the pharmaceutical industry as detergents, disinfectants and bleaching agents. [ 1 ] analysis reagents for chromatography reagents , drip Determination of cobalt , photographic fixer , dechlorination agent capacity analysis commonly used reagents, sodium, preparation of injectables and double sugar iron urea medium mordant .
Thiosulfate cyanide can also be used as antidotes .
4 Method
Commonly used industrial sulfur with sodium sulfite and sodium thiosulfate to give boiled , purified by recrystallization : Na2SO3 + S + 5H2O = Na2S2O3 · 5H2O
Sodium sulfite dissolved soda method , and ( combustion of sulfur ) of sulfur dioxide and generated sodium sulfite , sulfur boiling reactor was added , filtered , concentrated and crystallized to obtain sodium thiosulfate .

Na2CO3 + SO2 == Na2SO3 + CO2
Na2SO3 + S +5 H2O == Na2S2O3.5H2O
Evaporation residue method using sodium sulfide , sodium sulfide , sodium carbonate and sodium sulfide sulfur dioxide react with barium sulfide in wastewater emissions of sulfur by sulfur absorption , evaporation, crystallization , obtained sodium thiosulfate .
2Na2S + Na2CO3 +4 SO2 == 3Na2S2O3 + CO2
Oxide , sodium sulfite , and the recrystallization containing sodium sulfide, sodium sulfite and caustic soda liquid sulfur by oxidation ; sodium bisulfite and sulfur crude product by recrystallization three thiosulfate thiosulfate resulting mixture was concentrated , crystallized to obtain sodium thiosulfate .
2Na2S +2 S +3 O2 == 2Na2S2O3
Na2SO3 + S == Na2S2O3
Recrystallization of the crude crystals were dissolved sodium thiosulfate (or the crude solution of sodium thiosulfate ) , after cleaning, concentrated and crystallized to obtain sodium thiosulfate .
5 Considerations
Should be stored in a cool dry place . Transportation should avoid exposure to rain. Not with acids , oxidizers of storage or shipment . Containers must be sealed to prevent moisture dissolves. Such as packaging damp, description of contents has played the role of deliquescence , must be packaged dry stacked separately. Can not be stored in the open air, to seize on the damp package deal . When fighting fire with water sand .
It can be the solution of cyanide poisoning and mercuric chloride poisoning
Acute cyanide poisoning rapid progression of the disease , it should be against the clock to rescue acute poisoning , emphasizing locally applied antidote.
1 , oral poisoning , gastric lavage available 1:2000 potassium permanganate solution and vomiting induced by stimulation of the posterior pharyngeal lavage ;
2 , inhalation poisoning should be immediately evacuated , move to fresh air , well-ventilated place to rest ;
3, with sub- acid amyl nitrate after the crushing 1-2 branched into a handkerchief , nose and mouth before poisoning on inhalation, every two minutes , once every 5-6 times ;
4 , symptomatic treatment. Occur circulation , respiratory failure were given in the arm, vasopressors , respiratory stimulants, oxygen, artificial respiration ; skin burns , potassium permanganate solution, rinse , and then washed with ammonium sulfide solution ;
5 , after the above scene by emergency should be immediately sent to hospital for treatment , must not be delayed.
Nitrite – sodium thiosulfate therapy :
Detoxification mechanisms:
Methemoglobin formation agent such as nitrite can rapidly form of hemoglobin to methemoglobin , which ferric ions and free the body or in combination with cytochrome oxidase cyano combine to form an unstable cyanmethemoglobin , leaving ELISA inhibition . Cyanmethemoglobin in a few minutes can be dissociated cyanide ions , so the need to provide for rapid sulfur agents such as sodium thiosulfate , cyanide ions into the low toxicity of thiocyanate and excreted.
Now amyl nitrite having 1 to 2 (0.2 ~ 0.4ml) wrapped in a clean cloth crushed to give 15 to 30 seconds inhalation , can be repeated after 5 minutes , a total of not more than 3 . Children each dose is 1 . After the formation of the pharmaceutical in the body is only a small amount of denatured hemoglobin, it is only as an emergency measure.
3% Sodium nitrite 10 ~ 15ml intravenous injection 2 ~ 3ml per minute. Children give 6 ~ 10mg/kg. These two drugs can lower blood pressure , a circulation disorder with caution .
At the same speed with the same injection needle 25 to 50% sodium thiosulfate 20 ~ 50ml. Children give 0.25 ~ 0.5g/kg. Repeat as necessary after an hour and a half or full amount of the amount of discretion after repeated use . Mild poisoning can be alone with this drug .
Soda is the colorless transparent crystal , easily soluble in water , aqueous solution is alkaline. It weathered the loss of crystal water above 33 ℃ in dry air. Neutral , alkaline solution is stable in the acidic solution will rapidly decompose .
Na2S2O3 +2 HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + S ↓ + SO2 ↑
Soda has a strong complexing ability trophies silver bromide to form complexes . Reaction formula : AgBr +2 Na2S2O3 = NaBr + Na3 [Ag (S2O3) 2], according to this property, it can be used as a fixing agent. Wash phase , with an excess of soda unexposed silver bromide on the film part of the reaction , the conversion of soluble Na3 [Ag (S2O3) 2], the removal of AgBr , the developing part fixed.
Soda also has a strong reduction, chlorine and other substances can be restored.
Na2S2O3 +4 Cl2 +5 H2O = 2H2SO4 +2 NaCl +6 HCl
Therefore, it can be used as a bleaching cotton fabric after dechlorination agent. Similar reasoning , the iodine stains on the fabric can also be used to remove it .
In addition, the soda is also used in leather tanning , electroplating and silver extracted from the ore .
Sweat stain ( tinea versicolor ) radical approach : topical 20% to 30 % sodium thiosulfate solution , topical 1% dilute hydrochloric acid immediately after dry ; or optional 3% Triatop lotion wash the affected area ; usage are daily from 1 to 2 times.
Packing: PVC bag or plastic lined woven bag , net weight 40 kg .

Storage: Store in a cool dry place . Dark, sealed storage, transport should avoid exposure to moisture and rain.


A morphological
Spirulina no non Sheath surface , can not easily be attached to the microorganism , the cell bubbles , floating resistance. Top cells or filaments often not shrill , often not obvious transverse wall , top round cells , the outer wall is not thickened. No sex cells and thick-walled cells can multiply to form blooms .
Cyanobacteria cells in the body without pigment , pigment distribution in protoplasts external pigment area , blue and green. Protoplast inside a colorless central area , like other algae nuclei , but no nucleoli and nuclear membrane , and therefore belong Spirulina prokaryotic plants. Spirulina platensis is a filamentous , helical filaments , no transverse walls , blue and green ; filaments 4 to 5 microns wide , length 400 to 600 microns ; algae silk top cell obtuse, no heterocyst .

I believe the first use of Spirulina as food was in the sixteenth century, the Aztecs of Mexico , according to the description Hernán Cortés · soldiers , when they picked spirulina and as chief of the lake from Fernandez Pizza sale . The Aztecs called it the ” special crisp Tel off children ,” meaning stone excrement . Spirulina discovered in the 1960s by a French scientist , but not as a food display purposes. The first large-scale production of Spirulina machine is there in the 1970s established
Spirulina in Chad has a very long history , the earliest retroactive nine centuries Kanem – Bornu Empire. They will still be eating today , drying became known as “Dihé” pizza , used to make broth purposes , and will be sold in the marketplace . Spirulina is like Lake Chad from the collection .
Discovery history
The early 1960s , the French explorer Christopher door when Dr. Dement African adventure, discovery Chad lake in Nimes good animal protein deficient even under conditions of inadequate food vegetables still life physically strong, energetic, health and longevity . After the survey found they often fish floating on Lake Chad dried spirulina food and medical treatment .
2 Reproduction editor
Spirulina reproduction of two kinds:

For the vegetative propagation , including direct cell division ( ie fission ) , groups rupture and filaments produced several ways Hormogonia so on.
Spirulina can be generated for some endogenous or exogenous spores spores to be asexual spores without flagella . Spirulina is sexual reproduction has not yet found .

3 ecological conditions

Salinity: Spirulina a grows in alkaline water , can be domesticated cultured in normal seawater.
Temperature : the optimum range between 30 ~ 37 ℃.
Light: optimum light intensity between about 30,000 to 35,000 lux.
PH : The optimum range between about pH8.6 ~ 9.5.

4 health effects editor
Lower cholesterol
Cholesterol lowering can effectively prevent the onset of heart disease and stroke , spirulina in the Y- linolenic acid can lower cholesterol contained in the body , which can effectively reduce blood pressure and prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol.
Regulate blood sugar
Spirulina contains nutrient-rich , alkaline foods, nutritional supplements can be changed to give the body acidic , adjust metabolic activity . Jane and Joan Ganoderma with food, can regulate blood sugar, diabetic condition for stability has a significant effect.
Immune system
Natural Spirulina phycocyanin contained within , can enhance immune function of human cells , thereby enhancing our body ‘s immunity and disease resistance.
Protect the stomach
Most patients with stomach hyperacidity are led gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases , and Spirulina is an alkaline food , the Spirulina contains high vegetable protein and rich in chlorophyll , β- carotene, these nutrients neutralize gastric acid and gastrointestinal mucosal repair , regeneration and normal secretory function is extremely effective , especially for gastrointestinal patients.
Treatment of Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is a very common phenomenon, and Spirulina is rich in iron and chlorophyll , these nutrients can effectively improve the human condition of anemia .
5 Nutrition Introduction
Nutritional value

Spirulina is rich in protein , up to 55-75 %, which is three times that of beef , eggs six times , 10 times that of rice .
Spirulina is rich in β -carotene , 15 times carrots , spinach 40-60 times .
Spirulina is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B11, B12, C, E. A wide range of B vitamins , but each with specific physiological functions , the lack of any kind which are likely to cause disease.
Spirulina contains a variety of essential trace elements , calcium, magnesium , sodium, potassium, phosphorus , iodine, selenium, iron, copper, zinc , etc., can cause iron deficiency anemia , zinc deficiency can lead to stunted ; selenium can activate DNA repair enzymes, immunoglobulins , and stimulate the production of antibodies to capture free radicals , reduce toxicity in vivo or resistance to certain metals , inhibiting the carcinogenic effects of some carcinogens . Selenium can prevent altitude sickness .
Spirulina contains chlorophyll A, has its unique clean blood hematopoietic function .
1 gram of spirulina nutrients sum equivalent to 1,000 grams of various types of vegetarian nutrients, is a most nutritious nutrients

Spirulina cell wall is very thin, the thickness of only 40-60 nm, and is constituted by a peptide glucan , easily digested and absorbed degradation .

Spirulina contains high γ linolenic acid , can promote calcium absorption , enhance immunity, prevent metabolic disorders and prevent aging functions. γ linolenic acid is the precursor of prostaglandins , in effect becomes dioxygenase prostaglandins , prostaglandin on the reproductive , cardiovascular , respiratory , digestive and nervous system have a role .
Spirulina polysaccharide , anti- radiation function, and by enhancing the body’s immune system. Also Spirulina polysaccharide can enhance the activity of SOD in plasma , reducing the generation of lipid peroxides , have anti-aging effect .

Effectiveness of the role
1 , to stimulate the rapid growth of the body : Spirulina is rich in lysine , threonine and other essential amino acids, for infants and young children , especially the lack of breastfed infants is extremely important. Rich in minerals and trace elements can effectively prevent nutritional anemia , but also eclipse supplementary source of good nutrition for children , can gradually correct the partial eclipse of bad habits.
2 , balanced nutrition growing youth development : the teenagers in puberty , is much larger than the required nutrients adults , plus learn heavy physical exertion great sport , can easily cause recessive undernourished , stunted growth , memory loss, vision loss . Spirulina can provide adequate and balanced variety of nutrients , is well absorbed .
3 adults maintain a strong effort : significantly accelerate the pace of modern life , diet tends to simple, convenient, frequent ingestion of excessive delicacy , so the accumulation of fat in the body , blood acidic, plus social activities , work stress, rest disorder, no time to exercise, excessive alcohol and tobacco , etc., will result in the body’s metabolic disorders, often feel lack of energy , fatigue, drowsiness , decreased immunity . Spirulina can regulate the body’s pH, chlorophyll can purify the blood , remove toxins and clean the rectum , various amino acids , vitamins, minerals and trace elements contained in the function of internal organs can be enhanced .
4 , anti- aging elderly : The main reason is to generate human aging in the metabolism of a large number of oxygen free radicals, which damage the body strong molecular structure of life , leading to cell function decline and accelerate human aging . Spirulina has a variety of anti-aging substance . Such as β- carotene, vitamin e, γ- linolenic acid , and superoxide dismutase , these substances cleared by antioxidant effects of free radicals , effectively delaying cell aging, while Spirulina is rich in iron, calcium, and easy to absorb of anemia common in the elderly , osteoporosis , hypertension, arteriosclerosis, lumbar and leg pain has a good supporting role in prevention .
5 , weight loss , skin care , beauty : Spirulina is rich in nutrients, 1 hour before taking spirulina, spirulina phenylalanine can suppress appetite, relieve diet brings hunger, suffering malnutrition so that people lose weight while still maintaining vitality. Keep the skin soft and shiny appearance of the fundamental factors are balanced nutrition. β- carotene , superoxide dismutase and γ- linolenic acid on skin physiology to maintain flexibility, eliminate stains , improve skin inflammation effectively .
The main ingredient
Nutrients per 100 grams of Spirulina

General Ingredients










Natural pigment




Blue algae class


Natural minerals












Natural Vitamins

β- carotene

Vitamin B1


Vitamin B2


Vitamin B6


Vitamin B12


Vitamin C


Vitamin E






Pantothenic acid



γ- linolenic acid

Spirulina polysaccharide


Docosahexaenoic acid


Superoxide dismutase activity

10-37.5 million units

Coenzyme Q10 activity

5-20 million units

Chemical composition
Containing protein ( 60% ) , mainly by isoleucine (isoleucine), leucine (leucine), lysine (lysine), methionine (methionine), phenylalanine (phenylalanine), threonine (threonine) tryptophan (tryptophane), valine (valine) and other components. In addition, fat , carbohydrates, chlorophyll , carotenoids , phycocyanin , vitamins (vitamin) A, B1.B2.B6.B12.E, niacin (nicotinic acid), creatine (creatine), γ- linolenic acid (γ-linolenic acid), calcium pantothenate , folic acid (folic acid) , calcium , iron, zinc and magnesium.
6 major categories
Spirulina is a total of 35 species belonging to the taxonomic status of Cyanophyta , Cyanobacteria Gang , head chatter algae , algae flutter Branch, spirulina is . Commonly used in the cultivation of Spirulina platensis, Spirulina maxima and Spirulina salt marshes . As health care is mainly consumed Spirulina maxima ( scientific name Arthrospira maxima) and Spirulina platensis ( scientific name Arthrospira platensis). The two species that had previously been divided into Spirulina ( scientific name Spirulina), after sub- section spiral into algae genus, but the habit is still referred to as ” Spirulina .”
Spirulina maxima
Like other blue-green algae , Spirulina maxima cells did not really within the nucleus , compared with platensis, filaments longer, wider pitch , but not as good as the nutritional value of Spirulina platensis high .
Spirulina platensis
Spirulina platensis is usually blue-green, multi- cell type, cylindrical helical filaments , solitary or clustered together students , algae wire diameter 5-10μm. Nearly square cells , cell width 6-8 microns, 2-6 microns long , apex obtuse , spiral count 2-7 . The end is not tapered or slightly thin, the end of the round cells wide , horizontal wall closed slightly constricted , no particles cross the wall . Frond can vibrate and rotational motion , often around a vertical axis as quickly rotate forward crawling. Cell contents even without a true nucleus. Due to the different number of in vivo phycoerythrin and phycocyanin , etc. , and show different body color , such as blue- green , yellow-green or purple and so on. And a delicate cross next door.
7 known origin

The world’s natural spirulina can grow naturally the four lakes , Lake Chad in Africa (Tchad Lake), Lake Texcoco , Mexico (TexcocoLake), Lijiang, Yunnan, China Chenghai Lake and Ordos Hammamet too alkaline lake. After years of publicity, high profile , but the actual remaining Chenghai Lake and Lake still remain too alkaline Hama production, two other lake almost dried up. Chenghai Lake in the vicinity of the affected residents , Chenghai Lake protection has been put on the agenda . Hama no industrial pollution too alkaline lake , abundant groundwater resources , water quality , coupled located at latitude 39 degrees , adequate light and heat resources , which provides favorable conditions for the production of Spirulina .
8 taking Notice

Avoid greasy foods.
Generally middle-aged , diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, health and beauty dieters half an hour before or one hour on an empty stomach ; puberty before , cancer, anemia, major surgery, trauma large , poor physical and emaciated after meals.
In accordance with the usage and consumption , children and pregnant women should be taken under the guidance of doctors .
Taking medication during the two weeks or no improvement of symptoms , or the symptoms get worse , or the emergence of new serious symptoms should be discontinued immediately and go to the hospital .
Drugs ban taking property changes.
Children must be under adult supervision.

9 healthy eating Editor
1 . Daily health 2-3 times daily, every 2 g , 30 minutes before meals . Usually ready to take clothing.
2 . Fatigue 2-3 times a day , every 2-4 grams, 30 minutes before meals . Take 2 grams plus special fatigue.
3 . Rapid weight loss diet, three times a day , each 10 grams, taken 60 minutes before meals , drink beans in the morning

Add a small amount of pulp or milk foods fruits and vegetables , lunch plus the amount of about 120 grams of staple food dish , dinner plus the amount of about 100 grams of staple food dish . Ordinary diet, three times a day , every 4 grams , taken 60 minutes before meals , reducing food intake than usual 1/3-1/2 . If the soup , to the meals , eat greasy food.
4 . Poor health three times a day, every 3 g , 30 minutes before meals .
5. Poor resistance 3 times a day , every 3 g , 30 minutes before meals .
6. Malnutrition emaciated 3 times a day , every 2-3 grams, 30 minutes before meals . For those fattening meal 15-30 minutes to take.
7 . Anti-radiation 2-3 times a day , every 2 g , 30 minutes before meals .
8. 3 anti-aging day, every 2-3 grams, 30 minutes before meals .
10 major products
Spirulina products come in many forms , spirulina powder with fruit , edible vegetable sauce mix , tablets, capsules, spirulina extract concentrates and other refined easy access at any time .
Spirulina powder
Spirulina powder is uniformly dark green or blue -green, 100% pure powder no variegated particles may be appropriate to add to many dishes to increase their protein and vitamin content . Spirulina powder soup , bread, salad taste good , not much to give the food consumption of pink dyed dark green . Like many natural foods like spirulina , heat will destroy its rich nutrients , so when making food less heat as possible.
Enjoy spirulina powder easiest way is to add it in the blender or food in your favorite fruit, juice , and consumption from less to more , and gradually adapt. Many who eat it every time you drink eat 10 grams of spirulina powder.
Some useful suggestions :
① Do not wet spoon into his spirulina powder bottle , or a spoonful of spirulina powder directly into the liquid to be added slowly while stirring to avoid condensation.
② dry spirulina powder will absorb moisture, need to tighten the cap after use .
③ without the fridge, but it should be placed in a cool , dry, dark place .
Within 30 minutes after eating spirulina powder , the human body will react , especially since the powder is easy to digest and absorb. Spirulina drinks once or twice , will be able to promptly provide energy and nutrients ( or replace meals between meals ) a day.

Anti-anoxia, anti-fatigue
Product function

Effective in improving the symptoms of stomach , diarrhea and constipation against a variety ;
Prevention and treatment of anemia, carotenoid content is 1.5 times carrots , four times the vitamin B12 content of the liver , the iron content is 23 times the spinach ;
Containing the body’s own synthesis of linolenic acid , helping fat metabolism, prevent thrombosis, effective against cardiovascular disease , prevention of fatty liver and cirrhosis of the liver , lower blood sugar, diabetes prevention ;
Prevention of taking tranquilizers , antibiotics, anticancer agents , such as renal function impairment;

Spirulina tablets and capsules made ​​to make it easier to carry. Most of spirulina tablets containing 200-600 mg, and 400 mg capsules contain or less. Making tablets and capsules , the addition amount of the tableting excipients in the outer sleeve forming or soluble edible film , in half an hour before eating or one hour after meals to tablets or capsules. If certain times of the day feeling low energy , ready to eat a few slices of spirulina, a body generally have a better response two hours later.
Fresh – Liquids: direct extraction of fresh algae , nutrients locked retain activity.
Efficient: cryogenic liquid extraction, retained high activity, absorbed more efficiently . [ 1 ]
11 Identification of the pros and cons
1 . Look mark . For spirulina health food , there must be a formal national health food approval. The information set forth in the product label must comply with the requirements of national standard of health food label specifications . If the list of ingredients , functional ingredients and their contents table , suitable for consumption and taboos crowd of people claiming health functions , taking methods , net content , shelf life, product standards , health permit number , the manufacturer and / or dealer name and The main message address. If any of the major missing information , it shall be questioned. Can be no trademark , no name , no address “three noes ” products, food safety permit access system for national implementation in terms of food have to go through all the “QS” certification mark .
2 . See color . 100% genuine natural spirulina , both powders , tablets, capsules algae powder were tested within the dark green , slightly yellow ( do not look at the surface , but also break apart and look at the cross-section of color ) : pure green Spirulina products , you may have a problem , or shoddy or counterfeit , or a mix of other substances. Because spirulina processed very dry, easy to absorb moisture, the moisture absorption may gradually become green , and easy to spoilage, eat this healthy spirulina not only useless , but harmful .
3 . Smelling odor. Spirulina algae have a special smell or smell of the sea . Without this peculiar smell may not be stored for too long or spirulina algae powder processing of raw materials . However, with the smell of corruption is likely to be inferior products.
4 . Look hardness. Spirulina tablet products for hand breaking it, the harder the more other ingredients spirulina tablets doping , and quality can hand a breaking apart.
5. Tasting. Spirulina has tasted the flavor , usually slightly alkaline taste . If heavier alkali ignorant , is sub-standard . In addition , products made ​​from 100% spirulina , should be relatively sticky mouth .
6. Soluble observation. Spirulina powder or tablet into a glass filled with pure water , and to dissolve, observe the color of water . For quality , water should be green , half an hour later and gradually turns blue .
7 . See packaging. Spirulina nutrients , some with air isolation is needed to save , such as algae blue pigment , carotene. So there must be moisture barrier packaging wet compartment light , the intrinsic quality of the product packaging is the protective layer . Packaging If you do not meet state regulations , likely to cause damage and deterioration Spirulina nutrients. Scientific experiments show that algae blue pigment in direct sunlight for 15 minutes to 50% loss in unsealed condition will basically lost within three months. Therefore, in order to avoid direct contact with light and air , to ensure no loss of nutrients , Spirulina large international enterprises generally use aluminum foil pouch packaging .
In addition , many unscrupulous traders put on the market inferior spirulina seaweed as a sale , consumers need to pay attention to identify. Wakame and spirulina are two different plants, it is easy to distinguish : wakame leaves as big as tea , while Spirulina is a tiny aquatic plant almost invisible to the naked eye , to the aid of a microscope to look 600 times so clear , like the dust was collected .
12 Questions
Quality Protein say
a, high-quality protein to be easily absorbed by the body ( : easy to be broken down for the body to quickly absorb the amino acids) .
b, spirulina high protein content .
c, various proportions of amino acids in the protein content of spirulina is very close to the proportion of the body needs , high utilization . Various human enzymes, the proportion of the various organs of the very demanding requirements of various amino acids . If a particular amino acid deficiency. Other amino acids also play a role and not lost in vain . Its truth is like a bucket from a lot of wood strips , if one of the plates is short , the other the role of boards is also restricted.
Effects on the human body
a, by a variety of human cells. Protein is a major part of cells and tissues , the presence of protein in the form of life . Protein to maintain the growth of cells and tissues , updates and patches , so that the continuity of life .
b, proteins involved in a variety of important human physiological activities. There are a lot of special proteins in vivo function . Such as an enzyme , regulatory protein (immunoglobulin ) , antibodies, peptide hormones. Muscle contraction , material transport by hemoglobin in the blood , etc. to complete protein , a protein which functions can not be replaced by sugar and fat .
c. Protein for the body to provide energy , can produce 4.1 grams of protein per kilo-calories , 18% of adults in the energy supply of the protein.
the role of β- carotene on human health
a, prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. β- carotene can promote iron absorption and utilization , improve hemoglobin index .
b, promote calcium absorption and bone development. Not simply the bones grow and lengthen , but bone cells continue to divide , synthesize into a new shape. β- carotene to maintain a balance of osteoblasts and osteoclasts . Ensure normal growth of bones .
c, photosensitive retinal cells to maintain , enhance vision, night blind disease prevention .
d, to maintain the skin and eyes, respiratory, digestive , urinary tract epithelial tissue integrity and reproductive systems , sound defensive attack bacteria, viruses.
e, stimulated lymphocyte proliferation , protection of T- cells , B- cells and phagocytic cells , anti-cancer , anti-cancer .
f, anti-oxidation, enhance immunity, anti-aging. β- carotene can prevent oxidation and fat cell membranes , preventing hyperlipidemia, preventing normal cell aging, improve immunity, to anti-aging purposes.
The easily absorbed iron
Many plants contain iron , but because of structural problems , it is difficult to be absorbed by the body . Spirulina is rich in iron and iron- based oxygen reduction protein – in the form of the presence of iron porphyrin , easily absorbed by the body. The absorption rate of 60 % higher than normal blood tonic .
National Use
Citizens of the world most developed countries generally eat spirulina. Such as: USA, UK, France , Germany, Japan and so on.
Protein content ( a ) of Spirulina
The protein content of Spirulina can be said to be the highest among the various kinds of food , an amount of 56% -77 % , Chlorella protein content of 40% -56 % of soybean protein is 34 % -40 % milk powder 12% -22 %. It is similar to the pattern of essential amino acids with FAO and the World Health Organization ‘s essential amino acid pattern of preschool children . Its protein efficiency ratio (PER), net protein utilization (NPU), digestibility , biological value (BV) is equivalent to the best food protein , such as eggs, milk, casein or egg albumin.
Vitamin content ( two ) Spirulina
Spirulina vitamin content is also very rich , 1kg Spirulina contains vitamin B1 55mg, Vitamin B2 40mg, vitamin B6 3mg, vitamin B12 2mg, pantothenic acid 11mg, folic acid 0.5mg, Niacin 113mg, Inositol 350mg, Biotin 0.4mg, vitamin E190mg, carotene 4000mg, ( wherein the β- carotene 1700mg).
Mineral content (c ) Spirulina
These are used because of the quality and content of training institutions to another. Average iron content of 580-646mg/kg, manganese 23-25mg/kg, magnesium 2915-3811mg/kg, selenium 0.4mg/kg. Calcium, potassium and phosphorus are 1000-3000mg/kg or higher.
Fat content ( four ) Spirulina
Spirulina approximately 7% of the total fat content , fatty acids, 5.7% , and most of which are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic acid up 13784mg/kg, γ- linolenic acid is 11980mg/kg. This is the other natural plant foods is very rare.
Carbohydrate content ( five ) Spirulina
Spirulina carbohydrate content is 16.5% , and rich in polysaccharides. Spirulina extract has been reported with dextran for cancer research .
Are there side effects
It is measured in vivo quality spirulina protein content as high as 60 to 70 %, which is three times the fish , meat four times , five times more eggs , and chlorophyll content is 10 times more vegetables. In addition, vitamin B3 is about 6.4 times soybeans ; β- carotene is about four times the normal levels of carrots ; Spirulina contains about 11 kinds of fatty acids , linoleic acid and linolenic acid which are essential fatty acids ; Spirulina contains major and trace elements necessary for humans and animals , not only contains a lot of iron , but also with protein and phycocyanin organic iron chelated form , which is conducive to absorption, while spirulina has enriched selenium, zinc, ability of iodine.
Spirulina is a very wide range of applications , food, medicines, cosmetics and other fields are applied.

Health Food

Spirulina is rich in high quality protein , vitamins , minerals and other bioactive substances , and its cell wall composed of polysaccharides , easily digested ( 86% digestibility ) , called the best natural green health food .
2 . Fitness and diet food
Spirulina as a diet food in the United States , Europe and other countries has become a trend, the method is 30 minutes before eating or one hour dose of several grams of spirulina can suppress appetite, leaving the reduced food intake , so that neither the lack of nutrition and physical can reduce caloric intake to achieve weight loss purposes.
Of particular importance is that it is rich in iron , and in the diet of women often find iron deficiency .
3 treatments
( 1 ) can be used as anti- radiation damage drugs
( 2 ) can be used for cancer radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy
( 3 ) can effectively reduce blood lipids. A bioactive substances contained within Spirulina – Spirulina polysaccharide and γ- linolenic acid , have the function of regulating the body lipids and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease adjuvant therapy .
( 4 ) can effectively enhance immunity
( 5 ) Other treatment : Spirulina can effectively prevent the occurrence of cancer . Meanwhile , spirulina for the treatment of diabetes , hypertension , fatty liver, iron deficiency anemia, pancreatitis , ulcer , inhibition of renal impairment has a good effect.
4 Cosmetics
Containing active substances extracted from Spirulina cosmetics , increase skin elasticity , skin moisturizer , wrinkle , freckle and other effects ; can promote skin metabolism, and reduce scarring ; same time as Spirulina cosmetics good permeability , can play the skin surface and deep nutrition and the role of nursing , and is very safe to use on skin without irritation and sensitization.
Earliest Spirulina is used in cosmetics in France . Add spirulina mask, hair care , skin care creams are expensive but very popular. China also has a similar product .
About microcystin (MC) of public health articles , causing everyone’s attention , even to the extent that it was already scared .
The study found that as a liver cancer MC accelerator, a low dose may cause liver damage, which can activate oncogenes body while suppressing cancer genes that make cancer gene inactivation , increase the possibility of cancer nearly 10 times.

In fact, Microcystis in natural waters is widespread , if water quality is good, not too serious contamination or pollution is not , then slow the growth of Microcystis , does not produce a lot of harmful MC.
Only when a large number of untreated pesticides , agricultural fertilizers , such as phosphorus detergent into the water body , resulting in super multi nitrogen and phosphorus content in water to form a water eutrophication case, in the face of a suitable temperature (20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃) , plenty of sunshine , which are conducive to growing conditions when Microcystis , microcystin will quickly multiply in a short time , resulting in a large number of MC.
Since most water bodies are polluted conditions exist , therefore the presence of MC becomes a wide , high-impact natural toxicants . According to the survey found that some areas of surface water as a source of drinking water , even in tap water can also be detected in MC.
Therefore, Shanghai Fudan University, Professor Zhang Shun Yu and other experts pointed out: tap water to eliminate the need to strengthen research microcystin technology and to develop drinking water standards as soon as possible in a limited amount of MC .
Experts point out that prevention MC, the most fundamental is controlled from environmental factors , such as maintaining water flow , manage sewage ban phosphorus pollution caused by eutrophication , and to prevent secondary pollution of drinking water , as long as more than a few MC point is do not worry about the pollution caused by damage to the human body .
As a kind of aquatic organisms , some people worry about whether spirulina is microcystin contamination will not affect food safety ? The experts concluded that Spirulina is safe containing MC will not affect food safety.
This is due to the growth of Spirulina and Microcystis environment is conflicting . Spirulina can grow to survive environmental microcystin ; while microcystin waters can grow , and harvest spirulina really difficult to survive .
Spirulina specializing in research for many years experts have also to be sure.
Experts agree that the current production of large enterprises Spirulina is safe, consumers can rest assured that taking , do not worry about their safety .
Use different populations

Old people

Elderly people taking spirulina, 45% is for a specific disease, 28% used to maintain good mental health , 12% is used as a nutritional supplement. Among those for specific disorders , 22 percent in order to increase blood sugar , 15% in order to protect the eyes, 14% compared relieve constipation .
2 Infants
United Nations : 2000 World Breastfeeding rate should reach 80 %. Spirulina can effectively improve serum protein , and rich in vitamins , unsaturated fatty acids and enzymes , can play a good role in natural prolactin .
3 teenagers
Spirulina is rich in nutrients to meet the metabolic needs of growth and development of young people and strong .
4 Women
Spirulina natural nourishing effect and safety in terms of the effectiveness of weight loss in terms of beauty , has been ladies of spirulina widely recognized. Meanwhile , Ms. due to special physiological reasons , many suffering from anemia , and therefore often need iron , iron- rich spirulina , easily absorbed. In addition, long-term use of Spirulina foods can reduce women premenstrual syndrome, female endocrine regulation .
5 Athletes
Spirulina is a basic food for the body to maintain normal blood weakly alkaline, eliminate fatigue effects, to improve the athlete’s endurance , power , and promote athletes to improve physical function had a significant effect .
6 computer personnel
In modern society, let us not hide electromagnetic radiation , especially long-term operation of the computer , people who use mobile phones while Spirulina is recognized as the world’s anti-radiation adjuvant treatment of food .
If the effect is not significant, need to check the following points :

When eating spirulina, whether the case intermittent , or consumption adequacy . (Depending on individual constitution and the environment, taking also vary the amount we recommend taking daily care of about 5 grams a day , taking about 10 grams of rehabilitation per day ) .
Daily diet is inconsistent ( too many acidic foods , tobacco, alcohol , mental stress or irritation ) .
Lack of proper exercise

Some people do not eat spirulina B cards diarrhea , but after eating a brand algae began to diarrhea .
This phenomenon , there are two possibilities, one containing an excess of harmful dinoflagellate fungi, unsanitary ; Second, the quality , but off B algae , dinoflagellates and good quality , causing a better response .
Determine what causes diarrhea because come, there is a simple way is to look after the diarrhea is not a bad effort because of diarrhea caused by unsanitary , can cause people to weakness, even dehydration, but also showed better response although diarrhea , but it does not lead to deterioration of human effort .
Contrast components
· Spirulina soy protein content corresponds to 1.5 times, 10 times that of rice , pork, 4 times , 3 times that of beef , chicken, 3.7 times, 5 times the egg , fish three times , 2.4 times the cheese.
· Spirulina β- carotene content of carrots is 15 times .
· Vitamin B12 content of spirulina is four times the liver .
· Per 100 grams of algae powder , γ- linolenic acid content of up to 1200 mg or more . So far , had been recognized directly edible γ- linolenic acid only human milk and it contains spirulina , spirulina γ- linolenic acid content of human milk is 500 times .
· Spirulina is extremely rich in chlorophyll content is mostly terrestrial plants 2-3 times , is 10 times more common vegetable content .
· Spirulina fat content of only 5 \ % , pork content of 50 \ % , beef content of 24.08 \ % , fish content of 4 \ % , eggs 8.8 \ %.
· Spirulina polysaccharide up to 14 \% -16 \% / g, Ganoderma content of 1.28 \% / g times , aloe content of 1 \% / kg.
13 Aquaculture Technical Editor
Spirulina is one of the oldest autotrophic photosynthetic micro-algae , is lower plants , its body under the microscope spiral named. This ancient sea creatures , like high temperature (25 ℃ ~ 36 ℃), high alkaline (PH9-11) in the growth environment, many organisms , bacteria difficult to survive in this environment , and spirulina able growth and reproduction. In particular, it is not only the most nutritious , most comprehensive, balanced nutrition is a true champion on the planet , and high light efficiency , adaptability , growth cycle is very short , fast breeding , particularly high yield , artificial breeding efficiency particularly good prospects very broad.

Spirulina correctly handle the relationship between reproductive and environmental conditions

Spirulina farming is the most important conditions of light , temperature, medium and ventilation . PH value of the culture solution , a reasonable supply of depth, flow , exhaust oxygen and nutrients , are an important factor in yield. Therefore , training should be built in pool water quality is good , light conditions are suitable, spacious venue where ; PH value range is 7-11 , preferably 8-9 ; depth of between 0.2 and 0.3 meters ; temperature 18-38 ℃, the most Fortunately 26-32 ℃.
Two Dian choose suitable breeding species
The main breeding species on the domestic and foreign production of Spirulina platensis ( native to Africa Lake Chad ) and Spirulina maxima ( originating in Mexico ) . Huanghua in Hebei Province of algae scientists found suitable for temperate coastal counties grow Spirulina natural variability strain was identified as Spirulina platensis strain 6 (S6); country and from Chad to introduce Spirulina platensis strain 1 (S1); China has also been bred strains and ST-6 Spirulina Spirulina subsalsa . These varieties ( lines ) , can be selected according to local conditions . S6 suitable for growing in northern China where , and salt marshes Spirulina was adapted to high temperatures, sea salt and algae reproduction .
Three Dian from reality , using different farming methods
1 Family farming. You can buy ” Spirulina family culture system ,” also can choose enamel pots ( best all-white ) or crock pot , but can not use aluminum cone . Person- scale farming should be determined by the amount consumed spirulina . If using a 36 cm washbasin , a child needs 12 , while an adult will need around 20 .
2 simple farming. Mainly refers to the equipment is simple, you can make the best pond , as long as watertight on the line. Pool depth 30 cm , the area should be as some large , according to an adult 1.5m2 meter .
3 natural lakes farming. Originally Spirulina grows naturally in saltwater lakes in the original algae, the use of natural lakes farming is the most original , the most economical mode of production . Its equipment requirements are very low , just invest in the fight floods and processing , the lake ‘s fertility can be restored by nature . But because spirulina on light, temperature , PH value, etc. have special requirements , not all lakes can be farmed , but should experiment , research, and select the appropriate reproductive lakes ( such as our Chenghai Lake in Yunnan Province , etc.), for breeding .
4 . Factory farming . Advanced equipment , the grand scale , demanding. Currently, the breeding pool to runway style oval concrete ponds as well ; farming area of ​​15,000 m2 is best as a unit . Training can be open , but also for closed production . Open Training is a near-natural production methods, the system of freshwater , sea water system , most pools are designed to train circulation , stirring with a mixer , the depth of the liquid culture for 15-25cm, with sunlight as the light and heat sources . Closed production means in a closed bioreactor by means of natural light or artificial light be a breeding factory production of Spirulina .

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Child life should not be decided on technicalities. We believe that someone is going to consider the needs of oakley outlet the child first and foremost. While the couple seeks leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. (Think Apple.) Rival chains aren’t keen for price wars, which is why the average retail price of eyeglasses has held steady while that of TVs has dropped. There’s not much discounting in lenses either. Varilux’s competition is Carl Zeiss at the high end of the market, but they compete only in who can charge more.

Amylin and amyloid beta peptide (A the major component of brain Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology, share several features, including having similar secondary structures,10 binding to the same amylin receptor11 and being degraded by the same protease, insulin degrading enzyme.12, 13, 14 Interestingly, several studies show that monomeric amylin and its analogs inhibit the formation of A aggregation in vitro.15, 16, 17, 18, 19 A recent study found an accumulation of amylin amyloid in the cerebrovascular system in the AD brain,20 whereas abundant A in the AD brain may block the ability of amylin to bind its receptor to hinder normal amylin functions that are essential for the brain.3 All these prompted us to hypothesize that exogenous amylin class peptides would influence amyloid pathology in the AD brain. Because of their effects on glucose metabolism, cerebral vasculature, and possible neuroregeneration, the influence of amylin class peptides could be positive, especially using unamyloidgenic pramlintide. Using AD murine models, we investigated the effects of amylin and its clinical analog on A amyloid pathogenesis in AD..

Get a nice sun kissed tan. When you’re outdoors wear sunblock so you don’t burn. Maintain your tan body, Roxy models always have a nice healthy tan. In the third part of the review, we integrated the two sets of findings to assess the extent to which existing evaluated interventions do in fact address the social disadvantage associated with early pregnancy and parenthood as determined by the needs and concerns of young people.The inclusion of qualitative research in systematic reviews facilitates the incorporation of “real life” experiences into evidence based policy making.24 An ability to unpack the worldview of participants at a particular time and location has been highlighted as a key strength of qualitative research.25 26 Although we included trials conducted in any country, we drew only on qualitative studies conducted in the UK to help assess the applicability of interventions to reduce teenage pregnancy within this country in particular.Search strategyOur literature searches covered seven major databases and five specialist registers (table 1). Highly sensitive topic based search strategies were designed for each database. We did not use study type search filters and identified controlled trials and qualitative studies using the same strategy.Table 1 Major databases and specialist registers searchedView this table:View popupView inlineWe included randomised and non randomised controlled trials that evaluated interventions designed to target social disadvantage and that reported teenage conceptions or births as an outcome measure.

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Contigs were assembled into 89 scaffolds with a total length of 30.06 megabases (Mb) (including gaps between contigs) and an N50 length of 2.44 Mb. A total of 28.5 Mb (95%) of the assembly was anchored to the A. Nidulans genetic map4, 5 through meiotically mapped markers with sequence and markers located by haploidization or hybridization to electrophoretically separated chromosomes (see Supplementary Information).

Later Sunday, thousands of people gathered on either side of the city’s iconic Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge and marched across in a showing of solidarity and healing. Underneath the more than 2 mile span with towering cable supports, dozens of boats gathered and blew their air horns in support, while cars honked as they passed on the bridge..

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Instead of the traditional birdie a thon to raise funds for the Southwest Florida PGA chapter’s annual campaign for PGA Charities, a volunteer team predominantly of Spanish Wells employees washed about 70 member golf carts in NASCAR team style last February, raising $1,700 and earning a fifth place award out of 100 clubs. In May, a surprise 100th birthday party was held for club member Fred Thompson, who made a hole in one last year, right before he went north for the summer. Carvalho took photos that she emailed to all members.”You could see the joy on his face,” she said.

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Once you do these things, your scope can expand across the hemisphere: One time I was part of a canoe team that paddled 400 river miles from Redding to San Francisco. Another time, we paddled the Bowron Lakes Circuit, a 75 mile water trail in British Columbia where 13 lakes, six rivers and seven portages are connected in a loop. After a 15 year wait for a permit, we paddled the headwaters of the Owhyee River, America most remote river canyon, which looks like a miniature Grand Canyon from northwest Nevada through Idaho and into Oregon..

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Yet it rang hollow as her own party failed to contain lawlessness in Sind, where it has mass support, which had clinched the November 1988 election for her. Now it was her abject failure to contain the killings in Sind that convinced the “establishment” (the army and the President) that her continuance would aggravate the situation in the sensitive border state. The army was called out in Sind and, along with the increasing troop buildup on the Indian borders, it gave the generals a ‘driving seat’ role..

Many solid tissue neoplasms also have a predisposition to metastasize to the marrow, including breast and prostate cancers (PCa).17 Multiple factors are involved in the metastatic spread of neoplasms to the marrow. Potentially these tumor cells have the ability to respond to niche localization signals that promote extravasation from primary sites as well as the cheap oakleys preferential adhesion to bone marrow endothelium. In addition, the niche may add to or participate in the selection of malignant clones that facilitate the adaptation of cancer cells to grow within bone marrow microenvironments.17, 18 On the basis of our studies relating to the HSCs homing, we have recently reported the significant role of the chemokine CXC chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL12 or SDF 1)/its major receptor CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) axis on the bone metastasis of Pca.19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Although the mechanisms of bone metastasis are still unclear, the CXCL12/CXCR4 chemokine axis is likely to play a significant role in regulating the bone metastasis of solid neoplasms.

Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate

1 Introduction
English name : potassium pyrophosphate
English Name : Diphosphoric acid, tetrapotassium salt; Potassium Pyrophosphate; Tetra-Potassium Pyrophosphate; TKPP; Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate;  tetrapotassium diphosphate; diphosphoric acid, monopotassium salt
Formula : K4P2O7
Molecular Weight : 330.33
Specification: Industrial Grade : meet ZB/TG12006-88;
Food Grade : meet FAO / WHO, 1980; customer requirements
Packing: 25Kg double plastic woven bags ; customer requirements
Uses : industry for non-cyanide plating , surface treatment , high-grade detergents, paints , detergents , dispersants , buffers
Etc. ; food grade emulsifiers used in food processing , texture improving agents , chelating agents, quality -improving agent
2 Product Description
Also known as potassium pyrophosphate , potassium pyrophosphate, four white powder or a solid block . The relative density of 2.534 . Melting point 1109 ° C. Dissolved in water , the solubility 187g/100g water (25 ° C). Alkaline aqueous solution , 1% aqueous solution pH = 10.2. Insoluble in ethanol. Properties similar to other polyphosphates .
Dipotassium hydrogen melt loss of water molecules in the system at room temperature as a white crystalline powder or granules , have a strong moisture absorption in the air , easily soluble in water , but insoluble in ethanol , aqueous solution is alkaline, inhibition of food spoilage , fermentation action of a 1% aqueous solution of about pH 10.5,25 ℃ when 100g of water solubility of potassium pyrophosphate 187g, acid or alkaline hydrolysis into a solution of potassium phosphate is mixed with water to form a viscous slurry is . Condensed phosphates in combination with other more , e.g. 10% by potassium pyrophosphate , sodium pyrophosphate, 10% , 30% potassium tripolyphosphate , 30% sodium polyphosphate , sodium metaphosphate, 20% of the ratio formed ham, sausage bond agent , commonly used to prevent struvite produced canned fish , canned fruit to prevent discoloration , swelling of improving ice cream , the extraction amount of the raw coffee , ham, sausage yield, enhanced fish water holding capacity and improve the taste of noodles and increase yield , cheese prevent aging , in order to secure a smooth plating layer , the plating liquid formulation of industrial production are often very complex. Previously used as a complexing agent for the preparation of cyanide plating solution . However, due to the CN- toxic , electroplating workers’ health is very damaging , while the CN- containing wastewater emissions , emissions are also serious environmental pollution. So now the main use of non-cyanide plating plating , and this alternative cyanide complexing agent is potassium pyrophosphate .
All properties of potassium pyrophosphate with other polymeric phosphate , and sodium pyrophosphate similar, but larger solubility , energy and alkaline earth metals and heavy metal ion chelation occurred ; hard water with Ca2 +, Mg2 + in order to form a stable complex soften hard water , improving the ability to wash , to remove dirt . Also in the iron, lead , zinc, aluminum and other metal surface to form a protective film ; pyrophosphate ions (P2O74-) for finely divided solid dispersion having a strong ability to promote the fine , homogeneous mixing of trace substances . Low iron -based high-purity potassium pyrophosphate pH buffering capacity with a stable , long-term to maintain the pH value of the solution .
3 Preparation
And calcination of 30% food-grade phosphoric acid and is added to the slowly adding food grade potassium hydroxide solution under stirring and the reaction , pH control is preferably 8.4 , after the reaction solution was heated and added active carbon , insoluble matter was removed by filtration , the clear filtrate was heated to 120 ~ 124 ℃ and concentrated by evaporation , after cooling to 20 ℃ precipitated crystals were separated by centrifugation to obtain a dipotassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate and heated to 120 ~ 130 ℃ removal of crystal water, becomes as dipotassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous , add it to the calciner at 500 ~ 600 ℃ calcined polymerization by cooling , THF was prepared food products.
H3PO4 +2 KOH → K2HPO4 +2 H2O
2K2HPO4 = heat = K4P2O7 + H2O
Prepared THF finished with 0.1 mol / L silver nitrate when the reaction solution to precipitate the yellow silver orthophosphate did not appear to pass.
4 Technical Requirements
Appearance : White powder or lumps
2 Industrial potassium pyrophosphate should meet the requirements of Table 1 (ZB/TG12006-88)
Project Index
Premium grade First grade Qualified
Naphthalene (K4P2O7) phosphoric acid content ,% ≥ 96.0 95.0 94.0
Iron (Fe) content ,% ≤ 0.03 0.05 0.10
Water insoluble matter ,% ≤ 0.10 0.20 0.25
PH value ( 1% solution ) 10.0-10.7
Orthophosphate meet the test
3 food additive potassium pyrophosphate should comply with the requirements in Table 2 (FAO / WHO, 1980)
Project Index
Food Grade
THF (K4P2O7) content ,% ≥ 95.0
Content % ≤ 0.5 Loss on ignition
Water insoluble matter ,% ≤ 0.2
Arsenic (As) content ,% ≤ 0.0003
Heavy metals ( Pb) content ,% ≤ 0.002
Fluoride ( F ) content ,% ≤ 0.001
Lead ( Pb) content ,% ≤ 0.001
4 with potassium pyrophosphate plating shall comply with the requirements in Table 3 (HG/T3591-1999)
Project Index
THF (K4P2O7) content ,% ≥ 98.0
Iron (Fe) content % ≤ 0.01
Water insoluble matter ,% ≤ 0.10
PH value (10g / L aqueous solution ) 10.5 ± 0.5
Lead ( Pb) content ,% ≤ 0.003
Hull cell test (DK ≥ 10A/dm2 under plating ) qualified
5 shows
K4P2O7 · 3H2O colorless crystals or white powder. Hygroscopic in the air. Density 2.33 . Loss of two molecules of water of crystallization at 180 ℃ , the loss of all the crystal water at 300 ℃ . Nature and sodium pyrophosphate similar, but larger solubility . Soluble in water, soluble in ethanol. For tin, stained , clay and other refined . Dipotassium hydrogen melt loss of water molecules in the system.
CAS No:. 7320-34-5
6 Purpose
As emulsifiers, texture improving agents , chelating agents in the food industry , but also for the raw pasta with lye . Multi- condensed phosphates in combination with other commonly used to prevent struvite produce canned fish , fruits prevent discoloration ; increase the degree of swelling of ice cream , ham, sausage yield, ground fish holding capacity ; improve food taste and improve surface was rate, to prevent the cheese aging.

Povidone iodine (PVPI)

Basic information
【Common name】 povidone- iodine solution povidone-iodine ( iodine naloxone ) PVP is the English abbreviation for Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone , Chinese name: polyvinylpyrrolidone, is a high performance , versatile sub- soluble compounds, the series Our products are widely used in textile printing and dyeing , pharmaceutical, cosmetics, beverages , adhesives, synthetic resins, detergents, paints, coatings, electronic information materials , bio- engineering materials and water treatment and other fields.
[English name] : Povidone Iodine (PVP Iodine)
[Alias] : Eric , easy speed net , Peavy iodine, pyrrolidone acid, povidone-iodine iodine ; iodine attached ; iodine naloxone ; povidone – iodine ; povidone iodine ; povidone iodine ; polyethylene iodine ; Peavy iodine ; iodine Los ketone ; solid iodine ; povidone-iodine ; Dikang Litai
[ Formula ] : C6H9I2NO (“l” on behalf of the iodine atom )
2 Indications
For suppurative dermatitis, fungal skin infection , a small area of mild burns , but also for a small area of ​​the skin, mucous membrane wound disinfection.
3 Dosage
Can be used for skin disinfection, disinfection of skin and mucous membranes trauma , chronic sore throat , mouth ulcers.
4 pharmacological effects
This product sterilization preservatives, for a variety of bacteria , spores , viruses , fungi and other role in the killing . Its mechanism of action is the product after contact with the wound or lesion, can release free iodine depolymerization play a bactericidal effect . Organization is characterized by irritation , applied to the skin , mucous membrane infections. Can be used in a small area of ​​the skin, mucous membrane wound disinfection.
5 Pharmaceutical Analysis
Method name: povidone-iodine – Determination of povidone iodine – potentiometric titration
Application: This method uses potentiometric titration of iodine povidone-iodine (I) levels .
This method is suitable for the determination of povidone iodine (I) iodine content .
Principle of the method : the test sample add water and stir to dissolve, according to potentiometric titration ( Appendix Ⅶ A), with sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L) titration , each 1mL sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L) equivalent to 12.69mg of I.
Reagents: (1) water ( boiling placed to room temperature )
2 sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L)
3 . Anhydrous sodium carbonate
4 KI
5 benchmark dichromate
6 . Starch indicator solution
7 . Dilute sulfuric acid
Sample Preparation: 1 sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L)
Preparation: 26g anhydrous sodium thiosulfate 0.20g, add boiling over cold water amount to dissolve into 1000mL, shake , place one month after filtration.
Calibration: dried to constant weight at 120 ℃ baseline potassium dichromate 0.15g, accurately weighed, set the iodine bottle , add water to dissolve 50mL , add potassium iodide 2.0g, gently shake to dissolve , add dilute sulfuric acid 40mL, shake , Mesa, in the dark for 10 minutes, diluted with water 250mL , when using the droplet to near the end , add the starch indicator solution 3mL, continue titration to the disappearance of the blue and visible light green , and titration with blank test correction . Each 1mL sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L) is equivalent to 4.903mg potassium dichromate . According to the amount of consumption of the liquid taken with potassium dichromate , calculate the concentration of the solution.
When room temperature over 25 ℃, the reaction solution should be diluted with water to cool to about 20 ℃.
2 starch indicator solution
Take soluble starch 0.5g, add water , stir 5mL , slowly pour boiling water into the 100mL , with the added with stirring and continue to boil for 2 minutes , let cool, pour supernatant , that was the solution should be Pro with the new .
3 . Dilute sulfuric acid
Sulfate 57mL, diluted with water to 1000mL.
Procedure : To about 1g, accurately weighed, set the beaker , add water 120mL, stir to dissolve, according to potentiometric titration ( Appendix Ⅶ A), with sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L) titration , each 1mL sodium thiosulfate solution (0.1mol / L) is equivalent to 12.69mg of I.
Note 1: ” Precision Weigh ” means to check the weight should be accurately referred to take the weight of one-thousandth , ” precise amount ” means to measure the accuracy of the volume should be in line with national standards for the volume pipettes accuracy.
Note 2: ” Moisture ” by drying method, take the test 2 ~ 5g, spread on drying to constant weight , flat, said bottle, no thicker than 5mm, osteoporosis test does not exceed 10mm, accurately weighed , open the bottle at 100 ~ 105 ℃ dried for 5 hours , the cap cover , remove the dryer to cool for 30 minutes, accurately weighed, weight , and then dried in the above temperature for 1 hour, cooled and weighed to twice weighing less than 5mg difference so far . According to weight loss , calculated in the test water content ( % ) .
References: People’s Republic of China , the State Pharmacopoeia Commission Code , Chemical Industry Press , 2005 edition, two , p.823.
6 role and use Edit
Strong broad-spectrum disinfectant against viruses , bacteria , fungi and mold spores have a strong role in the killing . This product is irritating to the skin , low toxicity , lasting effect . Safe and convenient. The basic non-irritating to the organization , for disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes , such as washing before surgery , surgical site and wound disinfection.
Povidone iodine, a 10% solution generally used as a disinfectant . Effectively kill : Newcastle disease, IBD , avian influenza, Mycoplasma , E. coli, salmonella , flu, blue ear disease. Parasite eggs can kill livestock , and can inhibit the breeding of mosquitoes and other insects . And can be used for fruit trees , crops, fish farming them .
7 Features
1 , the compound is a PVP-Ⅰ efficient new disinfectant antiseptic agents, 0.7% to 10 % solution in water to release the 1.8 ~ 24 ppm free iodine by the microbial oxidation of the latter from the killing effect on bacterial killing effect than Xianbi Tai , and has some lethal bacterial spores . Candida albicans drug , showed a significant role in the killing golden grapes bacteria, E. coli, Bacillus subtilis ; against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans sterilization time with the same concentration of compound iodine solution , iodine is similar, but only toxicity for 1 /4 to 1 /9. Compound PVP-Ⅰ toxic side effects, low price, the skin has a protective function of the mucous membrane , which was superior to anti- STD Jieeryin and aqueous potassium permanganate .
2 , in the solvent gradually release iodine , play the role of a sustained release , in order to maintain a longer sterilizing time . Mechanism of its strong sterilizing pathogens puree oxidation activity of the protein group , and capable of binding to denatured protein and amino group , thereby effectively kill bacteria, spores, fungi, protozoa, viruses and other pathogens . Has a strong bactericidal bactericidal wide range of stimulating small , stained yellow light , easy to clean, no allergic reactions and other characteristics.
3 , Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Candida albicans and other hundreds of species of bacteria , viruses and other rapid killing effect. The product is the preferred disinfectant antiseptic drugs currently used for domestic and foreign direct human skin , mucous membranes .
4 , due to the gradual decomposition of the free iodine and work. 80 % – 90 % of the binding free depolymerization iodine iodine pathogen directly in protein denaturation , precipitation, resulting in the death of the pathogen cells to achieve efficient sterilization purposes. Which is characterized by strong bactericidal , low toxicity, and is a broad-spectrum fungicide that can kill viruses , bacteria, spores, fungi and protozoa . Against Staphylococcus aureus , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Treponema pallidum , hepatitis B virus , HIV , Trichomonas vaginalis and others have a strong role in the killing .
5 , topical skin can cause allergic reactions, skin and mucous membrane irritation. Severe burns or large areas of skin exfoliation can cause systemic adverse reactions , such as metabolic acidosis, hypernatremia and renal damage, allergic to iodine , burns covering more than 20% , should not topical application , suffering from non- toxic thyroid tumors NA jelly , pregnant women and newborns should be used with caution large area . Children under 4 years of age is not recommended.
6 , broad spectrum bactericidal , fungicidal and strong, able to directly kill bacteria, fungi , viruses , spores and protozoa . Sterilization speed , most bacteria can kill within 30 seconds , five minutes is sufficient for an individual to kill bacteria . No stimulation of the skin and mucous membranes , can be used to disinfect and treat the body cavity , mucosa and ulcers . Non-toxic. Difficult to make microbes resistant , easy to allergic reactions . Use durable , good stability, long storage period . Soluble in water , easy to clean , no pollution or damage to the fabric and other items .
7 , the product acts as efficient gynecological sterilization products, its pH and vaginal similar, mild , diluted according to the instructions ( warm water ) after the effective capacity of 300ppm iodine , more than bactericidal concentrations 10-20 times , after washing can effectively kill within a variety of pathogenic microorganisms.
8 Use the
1 thermometer disinfection : 3 % concentration soaked for more than 30min , after removing 75% ethanol can be placed in the back , can also be rinsed with sterile water or cold water into the sterile container after use.
2 kinds of glassware disinfection : Available 2% to 3 % concentration soak 1 ~ 2h, due to the effect of having a wash , facilitate cleaning . For items such as carbon steel and aluminum products such as scalpel blades corrosive , not long-term immersion other metal instrument sterilization .
3 skin disinfection : 1 % to 3% scrubbing 2min, as a surgical hand disinfection before or infectious room, infectious disease specialist outpatient medical staff hand disinfection.
4 hot treatment , burn : 0.5 % solution , sprayed on the wound every 12h 1 until eschar separation so far.
5 , routine health care : for bacterial , fungal , trichomonas vaginitis , cervicitis, cervical erosion treatment. For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), such as gonorrhea , syphilis, AIDS. Intercourse before and after menstruation clean the vagina . Gynecological surgery sterilization , disinfection before vaginal childbirth .

Silica gel

In general, the silicone can be divided according to their nature and composition of organic and inorganic silicone silicone two categories. Shape into its component silicone extrusion and molded silicone .
Inorganic silica is a highly active adsorption material , usually with sodium silicate and sulfuric acid , and after a series of aging process , acid bulbs , etc.

Obtained. An amorphous silica material , its chemical formula is mSiO2. nH2O. Insoluble in water and any solvent , non-toxic , odorless , chemically stable, does not react with any substance except alkali, hydrofluoric acid . Various types of silica are formed in different manufacturing methods of different pore structure . Chemical composition and physical structure of silica gel , and determines that it has many other similar materials difficult to replace characteristics: high adsorption properties, good thermal stability, chemical stability, high mechanical strength.
Silicone is an organosilicon compound containing a Si-C bond means , and at least one organic group is directly bonded to silicon atoms compound , and those on the regular habits through an oxygen , sulfur, and nitrogen, the organic silicon group compound atom is attached as an organic silicon compound . Among them, the silicon- oxygen bond (-Si-O-Si-) for the skeleton consisting of silicones, silicone compounds are the most numerous , most studies , the most widely used class of more than 90% of the total amount .
Extruded silicone relatively common , such as household electric cooker ring , called the rice cooker silicone seals .
Molded silicone bit more complicated , irregular shape, including silicone bowls, silicone ice tray , silicone bakeware and more.
Inorganic silicone
About inorganic silicone
Name: Silicone
Alias: silica gel or silicic acid gel
Name : Silica gel; Silica
MF : xSiO2 · yH2O
Weight: 60.08
CAS Registry Number : CAS # 112926-00-8
EINECS No. :231 -545-4
Word explanation : Chemical Formula xSio 2 · yH2O. Transparent or white granular solid . Has an open porous structure , strong adsorption, can absorb a variety of substances. Dilute sulfuric acid ( or hydrochloric acid ) in an aqueous solution of sodium silicate and allowed to stand , it will become hydrous silicate gel and solid-state technology . Washed with water electrolyte dissolved therein remove Na + and SO4 2 – (Cl-) ions, a silica gel can be dried . As absorb moisture , moisture is about 40% . For gas drying , gas absorption, liquid dewatering , color layer , but also used as catalysts. Such as cobalt chloride , dry blue, and red absorption . Repeated use of renewable .
Safety performance
The main ingredient is silica, silica gel , chemically stable , does not burn . Silica gel is an amorphous silica dust content of the workshop should be controlled less than 10 mg / cubic meter, the need to enhance ventilation, wear a mask when operating .
Silicone has a strong adsorption capacity, can produce human skin drying effect , therefore , the operation should wear good clothes. If the silicone into the eyes , flush with lots of water and seek medical treatment as soon as possible .
Blue silicone because it contains small amounts of cobalt chloride , toxic, should avoid contact and inhalation of the mouth and food , such as the occurrence of poisoning should immediately seek medical treatment.
Silica in the course of the medium due to the adsorption of water vapor or other organic substances , the adsorption capacity decreased after regeneration can be reused.
Security terms :. S22 Do not breathe dust Do not breathe dust.
Silicone regeneration
A reproduction after absorbing silica
Silica gel adsorption of water , thermal desorption way through the water to remove heat in different ways , such as electric heaters , heating and hot flue heat drying . Desorption temperature control in heating 120 – 180 ℃ is appropriate, for the blue gel indicator , color gel , DL -type blue silicone control at 100 – 120 ℃ appropriate. The maximum temperature of various industrial silicone regeneration should not exceed the following limits :
Coarse pore silica shall not exceed 600 ℃;
Pore ​​silica shall not exceed 200 ℃;
Blue plastic indicator agent ( or color gel ) shall not exceed 120 ℃;
Silica-alumina gel shall not exceed 350 ℃.
Silicone regeneration , the general control 2% moisture or less back into use .
Renewable two , silica gel adsorption of organic impurities
⒈ roasting method
For coarse -pored silica gel , gradually warming up to 500 can be placed within the roaster – 600 ℃, after about 6-8 hours to

Particles can be white or brown . Of silica gel pores , the firing temperature should not exceed 200 ℃.
⒉ rinsing method
After the silica gel in the saturated water vapor adsorption heat saturated water immersion rinsing detergent to remove oils or other organic impurities can be combined , dried and then dehydrated by washing water .
⒊ solvent flushing method
According to silica gel adsorption of organic species , the choice of an appropriate solvent adsorbed organic matter dissolved in the silica , silica gel is then heated to remove the solvent .
Third, the silicone should pay attention to the problem of regeneration
⒈ drying regeneration should be careful to gradually raise the temperature , so as not to cause severe drying particles burst, lower recoveries .
⒉ silicone baking for regeneration when the temperature is too high will cause changes in the pore structure of silica gel adsorption effect of significantly reducing the impact value. For blue or discoloration silica gel indicator , desorption regeneration temperature should not exceed 120 ℃, otherwise they will be gradually oxidized color developing agent and lose color effect.
⒊ regenerated by silica gel should generally screened to remove fine particles, so the particles evenly.
Storage and Packaging
Silicone has a strong capacity to absorb moisture and should therefore be stored in a dry place , packaging, between the ground and have a shelf . There packaging drums , drum , cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, polyethylene plastic bags, flexible container bags and so on. During transportation to avoid rain, moisture and sunlight .
The use of inorganic silica
Wide pore silica is generally used as a catalyst carrier, a matting agent , abrasive toothpaste . Therefore, different varieties should be selected depending on the purpose.
Silica gel desiccant can be used for , and can be reused. Silica is silica gel mSiO2 · nH2O made ​​suitable dehydrating porous materials of different particle sizes . An open porous structure having a specific surface area ( surface area per unit mass ) is large , many substances can be adsorbed , is a good desiccant, an adsorbent and a catalyst carrier. Silica gel adsorption is mainly physical adsorption, can be regenerated and used repeatedly. Adding an acid to an alkali metal silicate ( such as sodium ) solution, and acidified , and then added with stirring for a certain amount of electrolyte , the silicic acid gel ; acid or sodium silicate solution is added in the thick or silicic acid salts can also generate gel. The silica gel was allowed to stand for several hours so that the aging of soluble salts and washed with hot water at 60 ~ 70 ℃ the dried and activated at about 300 ℃, silica gel can be obtained . The silica gel with cobalt chloride solution and then drying and soaking activation , available color gel . When it is used as a desiccant, is blue before absorption , the absorption becomes red, the color change can be seen from the water absorption degree , and the need for regeneration processing . Silicone is also widely used in the vapor recovery areas , and preparing the oil refining catalyst, etc.
Inorganic silica used as a drying agent , the following aspects may be embodied
1 is mainly used for equipment, instruments, equipment, and other moisture absorption in confined conditions rust .
2 in conjunction with ordinary silica gel desiccant , indicating desiccant to absorb moisture and relative humidity to determine the extent of the environment . As packing silica gel desiccant, widely used in precision instruments , leather, clothing, food , medicines and household appliances.
3 use food-grade silicone because it can be used for baby pacifiers and other supplies in direct contact with the human body , in addition , can also be used to produce silicone skin .
Silicone regeneration should pay attention to the issue
1 , drying regeneration should be careful to gradually raise the temperature , so as not to cause severe drying particles burst, lower recoveries .
2, when the silicone baking regeneration , the temperature is too high will cause changes in the pore structure of silica gel adsorption effect of significantly reducing the impact value. For blue or discoloration silica gel indicator , desorption regeneration temperature should not exceed 120 ℃, otherwise they will be gradually oxidized color developing agent and lose color effect.
3, after the regenerated silica should generally screened to remove fine particles, so the particles evenly.
3 related jargon
Specific surface area : means per g of silica gel has a surface area , including internal and external surface area of ​​the micropores and . – Unit : m / g
Pore ​​volume : Each gram of silica gel inside the pores of the total volume . – Unit: ml / g (ml / g)
Aperture: refers to the internal diameter of the silica pores . – Unit: Angstroms (A 0) or nanometers (nm) 1nm = 10A 0
Adsorption amount : silica gel adsorption at a relative humidity of saturated water vapor , when said amount of the adsorbed amount of adsorption of water vapor . – Unit :%
Bulk density: the quality and volume of the silicone they heap space ratio . – Unit : g / liter (g / l)
PH: PH value is the silica gel after a certain processing conditions , PH value of the aqueous solution containing a proportion of silica gel .
Specific resistance : silica is an indicator of purity . Than the resistance itself is defined as the solution resistance at 1cm distance. Is the specific resistance of the silica gel after a certain processing conditions , the silica gel eluted soluble electrolyte , the electric conductivity than the resistance was measured . Resistance higher than reflected lower water-soluble silica contained in the electrolyte . – Unit : ohm cm (Ω.cm)
Attrition rate : is an indicator of the strength wear-resistant silicone . Refers to silica gel under conditions of loss of abrasion . – Unit :%
Water does not burst rate : is an indicator of the degree of water-resistant silicone water . – Unit :%
4 inorganic silica classification
Silicone based on its pore size is divided into: large pore silica , silica coarse holes , B -type silica gel , silica pores . Due to the different pore structure , adsorption properties so they have their own characteristics . Coarse pore silica gel in the case of high relative humidity has a higher adsorption capacity , pore silica gel in the case of low relative humidity higher than the coarse pore silica gel adsorption , while the B -type silica gel due to the pore structure between the coarse and fine between holes , its adsorption capacity between thick, between pore .
Depending on the use of inorganic silica , silica gel can also be classified into beer , silicone PSA , medical silica gel, indicating silica gel , silica gel desiccant, silica opening agent , such as silica gel toothpaste .
Pores of silica gel
Pore ​​silica gel is colorless or slightly yellow transparent vitreous, its basic quality parameters are as follows : average pitch 2.0-3.0nm, surface area 650-800

M / g, pore volume 0.35-0.4ml / g, the specific heat 0.92KJ/kg. ℃, thermal conductivity 0.63KJ / m. Hr. ℃.
Usage: Apply to dry , moisture, rust . Prevents equipment, instruments, weapons, ammunition, electrical equipment, pharmaceuticals , food , textiles and various other packaging items damp, can also be used as catalyst carrier and dehydration of organic compounds refined . Because of its high bulk density and low humidity absorption effect is obvious characteristics that can be used as an air purifying agent to control air humidity. In the ocean the way there are a wide range of applications , because the goods during transport often deteriorate due to high humidity and moisture , the product can be effective desiccant moisture, so that the quality of the goods is guaranteed . Pore ​​silica is also commonly used in two parallel plates between the sealing window dehumidifier can maintain transparency of the layers of glass .
B -type silica gel
Characters : B -type silica as a milky transparent or translucent pellets or lumps . B -type glue between the pore structure of coarse -pored silica gel , silica pores .

The basic quality parameters : pore volume of 0.60-0.85ml / g, average pore diameter of 4.5-7.0nm, specific surface area of ​​450-650m2 / g.
Uses: mainly used for air humidity regulators, raw materials and catalyst carriers, pet litter, and as chromatography on silica gel and other chemical products.
Coarse pore silica gel
Coarse pore silica called C -type silicone is a silicone , is a highly active adsorption material , is

Amorphous material , its chemical formula is mSiO2 · nH2O. Insoluble in water and any solvent , non-toxic , odorless , chemically stable, does not react with any substance except alkali, hydrofluoric acid . Chemical composition and physical structure of the coarse pore silica , and determines that it has many other features too difficult to replace similar materials : high adsorption properties, good thermal stability, chemical stability, high mechanical strength.
Coarse pore silica white in appearance , there are massive, spherical and spherical micro three products . Coarse -porous spherical silica and the like is mainly used to remove acid gas purification , drying agents , and the insulating oil ; coarse pore silica gel is mainly used for the catalyst carrier block , drying , gas and liquid purification agents .
5 silicone
Silicone Performance
The basic structural unit of the silicone product is made ​​of a silicon – oxide chain section composed of a silicon atom through a side chain with various other organic groups . Thus, in the structure of organic silicon products containing both ” organic group” , but also contain ” inorganic structure” , this particular composition and molecular structure makes it features organic and inorganic feature set in one. Compared with other polymers, silicone products

The most outstanding performance are:
1 . Temperature characteristics
Silicones are silicon – oxygen (Si-O) bond of the main chain structure , C-C bond energy of 82.6 kcal / mol , the bond energy Si-O bond in the organic silicon is 121 kcal / mole , so the high thermal stability of silicone products , high temperature ( or radiation ) molecular bond is not broken , do not break down . Silicone is not only to high temperature , low temperature resistance, but also can be used in a very wide temperature range . Whether it is physical or chemical properties and mechanical properties, temperature dependence is very small.
2 . Weatherability
Silicones of the main chain is -Si-O-, unparalleled key exists , it is not easy to be decomposed by ultraviolet light and ozone. Better than other silicone polymer material thermal stability and resistance to radiation and weathering capabilities . Silicone natural environment life of up to several decades.
3 . Electrical insulating properties
Silicones have excellent electrical insulating properties , dielectric loss , resistance, voltage, resistance, arc resistance, corona , volume resistivity and surface resistivity of the top in the insulating material etc. , and their performance is affected by temperature and frequency electrical little effect . Therefore, they are a stable electrically insulating material , are widely used in electronics and electrical industry. Silicones have excellent heat resistance in addition , it also has excellent water repellency , the electrical equipment which is used under wet conditions having a high reliability protection .
4 . Physiologically inert
Silicone compounds are known in the least one active compound . They are extremely resistant to biological aging , and animal body without rejection , and has better anti- clotting properties.
5. Low surface tension and low surface energy
Main chain of the silicone is very soft, the force between molecules is much weaker than the hydrocarbon , therefore , lower viscosity than the same molecular weight hydrocarbons , weak surface tension , surface energy is small, the film forming ability . This low surface tension and low surface energy which is the main reason for many applications to obtain : the excellent performance of the hydrophobic , anti-foaming , foam stability, release , lubrication, coating and the like.
Use of silicone
Since these silicones excellent properties , it is very wide range of applications . It

Not only as aviation, cutting-edge technology, special materials used in military technology sector , but also for the various sectors of the national economy , its scope of application has been extended to : construction, electrical and electronics, textiles, automobiles, machinery , leather, paper, chemicals , light industry, metal and paints, pharmaceuticals and medical .
Category 6 silicone
Silicone divided into silicone rubber, silicone resin, silicone three categories.
Depending molding silicone products can be divided into three categories Department
Molded silicone products
Molded silicone products are usually placed in the mold by adding high-temperature vulcanizing agent solid vulcanized silicone raw materials by applying pressure machines, high temperature sulfur of forming a solid , molded silicone hardness is usually 30 ° C-70 ° C. Raw materials in accordance with creams recall Pantone color card color, shape of the mold determines the shape of the molded silicone products , molded silicone products silicone industry is currently the most widely used one . Mainly used only silicone industrial parts, buttons, silicone gifts , silicone wristbands , silicone watches, key cases, mobile phone sets , silicone kitchenware, silicone pad, Ice Cube , cake and so on.
Extruded silicone products
Extruded silicone products usually through extrusion machine extrusion molding silicone , silicone extrusion shapes are generally long , tubular free to cut, but there are limitations shape silicone extrusion , medical equipment, food machinery in a wide range of to use.
Liquid silicone products
Liquid silicone injection molding silicone products through injection molding , product flexibility , hardness can reach 10 ° C-40 ° C, because of its soft features , in emulation of human organs , medical Guijiaoxiongdian , and other widely used.
Specialty Silicone Products
Specialty silicone products is based on the chemical properties of silicone or some add auxiliary materials , specialty silicone products also have a high temperature ( up to 330 degrees ) , food grade ( full compliance with U.S. FDA, LFGB standard ) , medical grade, flame retardant by adding auxiliary materials can also have , luminous , negative ions, color, and other characteristics.
7 Silicone Rubber classified edit
Silicone RTV silicone is mainly divided into high-temperature vulcanized silicone
RTV silicone Introduction and classification
RTV silicone (RTV) is a sixties advent of a new type of silicone elastomer , the most significant feature of this rubber is at room temperature without heating , such as pressure can be cured in situ , extremely easy to use . Thus , came on fast become an important part of the silicone products . Today, RTV silicone has been widely used as adhesives , sealants, protective coatings, potting and molding materials , in all walks of life has its purpose.
RTV silicone its packaging can be divided into single -component and two -component RTV silicone, by curing mechanism can be divided into condensation and molding. Therefore , by component RTV silicone , curing mechanism and the use of technology can be divided into three types, namely single-component RTV silicone, two-component RTV silicone condensation-type and two-component RTV silicone molding added . These three series RTV silicone has its own characteristics : the advantages of one-component RTV silicone is easy to use, but deep curing speed more difficult ; advantages of two-component RTV silicone that hold heat curing , shrinkage is small, no swelling, no stress, curing can be performed on both the inside and the surface, deep cure ; plus RTV curing time mainly depends on the temperature of the silica gel , and therefore , can be controlled by temperature adjustment cure rate .
Among the many synthetic rubber , silicone is a leader in it. It has a non-toxic , tasteless , not afraid to withstand cold temperatures and characteristics , in the ninety degrees below zero Celsius Baidu and ” poised “, ” without blinking an eye ,” still lose the original strength and elasticity. There are good electrical insulation silicone , resistance to oxygen aging resistance , light resistance to aging and mildew resistance , chemical stability. Because of these excellent properties , making silicone get a very broad and important uses in modern medicine . In recent years, the hospitals, research institutes and factories work together successfully trial a variety of silicone medical supplies .
Silicone Earplugs : wear comfortable, noise can be a good barrier to protect the eardrum.
Silicone vacuum extraction device : easy to operate , safe to use , according to the size of the fetal head deformation , fetal scalp will not be sucked up attracting avoid damage to the scalp and intracranial hematoma and other ills , can greatly reduce the pain of childbirth in pregnant women during childbirth .
Silicone artificial blood vessel : a particular physiological function, and the body can be ” intimacy ” , it does not exclude the human body , after a certain time, it will complete with the body tissue is extremely good stability up case .
Silicone tympanic membrane repair piece : its thin, flexible film , finish and good toughness . Is an ideal material for repair of the eardrum , and easy to operate , the effect is quite good.
There are also artificial trachea silica , artificial lung, artificial bone , duodenum silicone tube, the effect is very good.

Barium Carbonate

Barium carbonate, barium BaCO3 is an important compound of the formula BaCO3, molecular weight 197.35 .
Barium carbonate
Hexagonal crystal or fine white powder, orthorhombic , hexagonal , cubic three kinds of crystal. Due to the different conditions of preparation , the bulk density of the obtained products are different , generally 0.80 ~ 2.11g/cm3, the particle size of 0.1 ~ 10μm. Density 4.43 g / cm 3, melting point 1740 ℃ (8820 kPa -90 atm ) . Good thermal stability, at 1400 ℃, about 0.1MPa decomposition and emit carbon dioxide. Slightly soluble in water containing carbon dioxide , carbonic acid or an ammonium salt when in the presence of a concentrated solution of sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate , zinc sulfate, calcium nitrate , calcium chloride , potassium chloride or the like, to increase its solubility . Soluble chloride or ammonium nitrate solution to generate complex, dissolved in hydrochloric acid , nitric acid to release carbon dioxide. Toxic . Barium component prepared carburizing agent is used at a high temperature carburizing a steel member ( hardening ) . Manufacturing cathode tube used to do screening agent . Also used as rat poison , water clarifying agents and fillers. In addition, for the instrumentation, metallurgy industry, for the preparation of fireworks, flares system , ceramic coatings, optical glass materials such as enamel system . Natural barium carbonate ore , barite from the chemical processing system, or carbon dioxide pass into the barium hydroxide solution , sodium carbonate solution or mixed with barium nitrate solution was prepared .
Barium carbonate – the main purpose
Analysis of calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc iron, measured organic halogen . Used for making barium salts , pigments , fireworks and flares , optical glass, rodenticides , pottery , porcelain, and used as filler and water clarifying agent.

Barium – Toxicity

Barium carbonate is a virulent , can cause acute and chronic poisoning. Because heavy metals barium , barium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid in gastric juice , the release of barium ions , causing toxic reactions.
Barium carbonate, barium poisoning poisoning
Barium carbonate into the body through the respiratory tract and digestive tract can cause acute and chronic poisoning , severe cases can be fatal. About the health hazards of barium more such as: occupational exposure to barium carbonate on human lungs, blood, serum potassium and cholinesterase and so on.

Barium – Chronic poisoning
Barium carbonate accumulates in the bones, causing bone marrow leukosis , which occurred in chronic poisoning.
Barium – acute poisoning
When severe acute poisoning occurs when acute gastrointestinal disease, muscle tendon reflexes , convulsions, muscle weakness and other symptoms.
Barium carbonate, barium carbonate Structure Structure

Rat LD50: 418mg/kg
Mouse LD50: 200mg/kg
Barium – emergency treatment
For patients with acute barium poisoning , usually taken gastric lavage, enema, taking measures to make the barium emetic agents excreted .
By the administration of potassium can also react with the barium carbonate , barium can become toxic insoluble barium sulfate precipitation , reduce toxicity. The reason for using potassium sulfate , barium poisoning because may cause hypokalemia .

Barium – rescue and care
1 Clear poison vomiting, gastric lavage , catharsis to clear toxins, preventing the absorption of toxins is the primary rescue measures . In this group of patients , 35 cases after eating poison nausea , vomiting 25 cases , 10 cases of diarrhea, there are two cases of tongue to induce vomiting at home to take the pressure method , five cases with 5% sodium carbonate oral vomiting or gastric lavage , oral sulfate and then sodium 20g catharsis , and the remaining patients with mild symptoms , not gastric lavage or induce vomiting. Close observation of the patient’s consciousness , pale , breathing , pulse, blood pressure and other changes, while in the treatment of patients collected vomit timely submission to identify the poison .
2 As the barium ions potassium supplementation agents can activate the cell membrane, so that from the extracellular potassium ions into the cell and lead to lower serum potassium , and potassium in the pathogenesis of course there will be progressively decreased , so in order to prevent hypokalemia, timely potassium chloride treatment is very important . The group of 49 patients given potassium chloride and VitC, VitB 6 infusion, for the temperature more than 38 ℃, poisoning symptoms are relatively heavier ( 9 cases ) to be potassium chloride 5 ~ 6g / d intravenously treated 1 ~ 2d symptoms, body temperature returned to normal. 9 cases of patients had lower serum potassium four cases before the normal use of potassium chloride , potassium and in the process it produces reduced to varying degrees , by potassium 5 ~ 6g / d, 2d after the review properly. 40 cases with normal serum potassium be potassium 4 ~ 5g / d after the review of potassium were within the normal range.
3 Application role thiosulfate thiosulfate is absorbed with the body undigested insoluble barium carbonate , barium sulfate is generated , thereby reducing the toxicity of barium carbonate , sodium thiosulfate , but must pay attention to the slow intravenous injection or infusion, and fully diuretic , so insoluble barium sulfate particles generated composure in the renal tubules . There are nine cases in this group of critically ill patients to be 0.64g of sodium thiosulfate 20ml 0.9% sodium chloride intravenous , Q4H × 3 times.
4 As the group closely observed in 9 cases of hypokalemia , including four cases appear to reduce serum potassium in potassium process, and potassium chloride intravenous overdose can cause peripheral circulatory failure , heart rate to cardiac arrest , so must be diligent blood pressure , pulse , good monitoring and serum potassium, sodium , chlorine content review electrocardiogram , prevent arrhythmias induced hypokalemia or hyperkalemia . The group, 4 patients with abnormal ECG in potassium are converted to normal after the rest have not exception. For the four cases of pregnant patients , with particular attention to the amount of fluid can not be too much speed not too fast, but also to observe whether the pain intensified and the availability of contractions, see red. After treatment and observation , four cases of pregnant women is not bad to happen.
5 good psychological care in this group of patients suffer a sudden illness , mental activity is very complex , expressed as emotional stress , fear , anxiety, worry prognosis until after symptoms , fear has consequences, affecting work , live, learn, especially 4 pregnant women are more worried about the health and safety of the fetus, which we take the following measures:

Caring, comforting patients with cordial words , more with their talk, communicate ideas , distracted.

In calm , warm , full of attitude and emotional impact of infection , thereby enhancing their self-confidence .

Patients given patiently answered questions raised , and treatment measures , the effect , the prognosis for the necessary explanations to eliminate worries.

Noble ethics and skilled business technology to win the trust of patients, so that they are in the best state of mind, and actively cooperate with the treatment and examination.

Strengthening the fetal heart rate monitoring for pregnant patients , observed changes in fetal heart rate , with or without contractions , see red , once there is a change promptly notify the obstetrician , explained in therapy to do , pay attention to the total amount of drug safety and rehydration , speed.